From the 31st of August, Scottish Government guidance states that gyms and sports facilities can open their doors to welcome the public once more. This is great news as we have pre-tests, tests and seminars just around the corner. This will be a new experience for everyone and we will be testing the water tentatively.
At YHGinverness, students are welcomed back on Tuesday the 1st of September. We will continue to run classes every Tuesday and Thursdayevening at 6pmuntil such a time that we feel we can add more to the timetable. There will be a few changes to the regular routine which we have outlined below.
Before You Train
It is crucial that you remain at home if you:
• Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days. • Have been overseas or exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days. • Have COVID-19 symptoms (self-isolate for 7 days) or are feeling unwell. • Have been told to self-isolate as part of the contact tracing measures in place.
Physical Distancing & Hygiene
• Refrain from handshakes and high fives. The traditional sun and moon bow should suffice. • Keep 2 metres away from other people at all times. • Do not share food, towels, and drinks. • Clean your hands weapons and equipment frequently. • Cover your coughs and sneezes and dispose of any used tissue in your own bag and take it home with you. Wash your hands for 20 seconds or sanitise afterwards. • Bring a bottle of sanitiser for your own personal use. • Avoid touching your face.
Booking Process
• For private 1-1 tuition, please use our booking system on the Classes page or contact Sifu Hepple • New students, or students returning after a hiatus, must now join our waiting list by contacting Sifu Hepple. We will be in touch in due course when there is an opportunity for you to attend classes safely. • Current students should inform Sifu Hepple of their intention to attend each class.
Procedures At The School
• Arrive in good time. • Please sanitise your hands upon entry and wait in the changing area for the class to begin. • Sifu Hepple will direct you to your training station for the duration of the class. • Stations should be sanitised by students before and after each class. Any weapons or equipment must be sanitised in the same way.
After ClassAdvice
• Once training has finished leave promptly and maintain physical distancing. • Hands should be washed and/or sanitised as soon as possible. • Ensure personal kit and equipment is cleaned thoroughly after use. • If you become unwell after training, you should first contact your GP/NHS 24 and then inform Sifu Hepple.
Some weeks it’s business as usual and then other times you just can’t cram anything else into the week. Last week was one of those weeks. We’ve had new classes beginning on our timetable, pre-tests and a combat sport workshop as well as all our regular classes. Our Forres school has even made the local papers too.
Forres News Article
Our school in Forres has only been opened a short while, yet have already managed to have an article published about them in the local paper. The Forres Gazette wrote about the opening of our new branch and focused on how Sifu Hepple’s own journey with Hung Ga Kung Fu has shaped his own life, as well as the lives of many of his students. You can read the whole article here: New Kung Fu Class in Forres Helps Build Physical and Mental Strength.
Exams are never easy. The pressure to succeed can be overwhelming. Nerves can make you flustered. Trying to remember all the information you need can be a hard task on its own. Trying to recall it all ‘on the spot’ adds a whole new level of panic! The kind of skills you learn to deal with these pressures are useful in all walks of life. During our gradings at Yee’s Hung Ga, there can be a lot of information that students have to process. To take some of the pressure off and to set their minds at ease, our pre-testing stage is a valuable part of the whole testing procedure.
Pre-testing in Inverness
We conducted the pre-testing stage on Saturday the 7th of March. All students who participated passed with flying colours. The next stage is the final grading. Until then it’s back to business and lots of practice!
You can read more about one of our students who attended our pre-testing on Saturday. Emma Archer, who will be looking to take her Yee Cup Junior Level test (1st test of 2nd level) at the next grading, is the focus of our latest Student Spotlight Article. Due to her busy work schedule and commitments, Emma trains at various branches of Yee’s Hung Ga across the North of Scotland. This is a testament to her commitment and dedication to the training at Yee’s Hung Ga. If you are inspired by her tenacity and perseverance, you only need to make it along to your first beginners class to see why Emma is so dedicated. Read the article here: Student Spotlight: Emma Archer.
Hung Ga for Combat Sports
Working the pads in our combat sports workshop
After the pre-test on Saturday, we also held a unique workshop in the Inverness academy. Sifu Michael Rose, Vice President of Yee’s Hung Ga Europe and instructor of the Peterhead branch, conducted a hands-on seminar about the use of Hung Ga techniques for competing in combat sports. Sifu Rose has first hand experience with competing and we were lucky enough to receive the benefit of his knowledge. More of these exciting workshops are in the pipeline, so to keep up to date, make sure you sign up to our email alerts below.
Rent Our School
Available for hire
If you have thought about running your own martial arts, yoga, meditation or exercise class but you’re put off by the high charges for renting space out, we have a great solution. Our Academy has a fantastic central location in Inverness. It is available throughout the day Sunday to Saturday. We also have Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights available for you to run your classes. If you wish, we can even designate space for your marketing and help get the word out on our social media platforms. It only costs £12 to rent out our school for an hour. If you need more time, speak to us about what you need and we can come up with a fair arrangement. As always, you can email us directly or read more about what we can offer you in this article: Space Available
Our current timetable
Our Qigong classes commenced last Thursday and will continue at the same time of 6.15-7pm every Thursday. Our timetables and price list have been updated. These classes are suitable for anyone, of any age, who is interested in learning the art of Qigong. 1-1 tuition will still continue in the normal fashion.(see below)
Highland school of Qigong
As well as Qigong, we obviously have Hung Ga kung fu classes too. Our kids class is on every Monday at 6.15-7pm. There’s no waiting list for this so your child could start straight away. We also have our beginners class at 7pm on Tuesday evenings. There is plenty space available for anyone who wishes to begin their training. For more information on beginning, see our page: How Do I Join?
Current Prices
As well is these classes which are oriented for complete beginners, we also have a Techniques, drills and applications class on Monday evenings at 7pm. This is designed for students of all levels to practice turning their skills into 2nd nature. Our Lion Dance & Performance class is designed for students of mixed ages and abilities. The stances, footwork and co-ordination are a great accompaniment to your Hung Ga training. Traditional training & sparring is for more experienced students to hone their skills with. Anyone who has completed an introductory Tuesday evening class is welcome to attend any of the classes on the timetable. On Friday evenings we also have classes, available to anyone, at our Forres branch of Yee’s Hung Ga.
1-1 Private Tuition
Sifu Frank Yee & Sifu Hepple
Whether you wish to learn Qigong or Hung Ga kung fu, you have the option to learn in our public classes, 1-1 private tuition with Sifu Hepple or a mixture of the two. Private tuition is simple and easy to arrange. Simply pick the available time that suits you, enter your details and then pay securely via PayPal.
Still on the way….
We are STILL working on our Winter Qigong Routine notes and our Spring Qigong Routine. Due to testing and workshops, they’ve pushed onto the backburner slightly. We will, however, be back on track soon and should deliver on our promises shortly. To make sure that you don’t miss out, sign up to our email alerts below….
We have a busy week ahead of us at YHGInverness. Our public Qigong classes are due to be reinstated to our timetable. We have students undergoing pre-tests on Saturday morning and we also have our exciting seminar, available to anyone, on Saturday afternoon.
Highland School of Qigong
Highland School of Qigong
Our public Qigong classes make a welcome return this week. Our syllabus has been developed further to add extra sensitivity for our students. Springtime is traditionally a time of year for cleansing, renewal, creativity and inspiration. We have developed our Spring Qigong Routine especially for the Spring months to help balance and encourage growth in these areas. We will also harmonise energy in the physical body to boost health and productivity.
Qigong Classes
Qigong Classes
Our public Qigong classes are due to return to our Inverness Academy this week. On Thursday the 5th of March we will hold regular public Qigong classes. These will continue every Thursday evening at 6.15pm. The classes are open to anyone, of any age, who are interested in learning the art of Qigong.
Classes will be priced at £5 per class. There is also the option to buy a loyalty card for £30. This will grant you a 7th class for free. They will follow a similar format to our previous Qigong classes where we will practice a set routine. A Qigong exercise will then be taught to individual students to practice throughout the week. Comfortable, loose clothing should be worn with flat trainers or plimsoles. If you would like to enquire further about these classes, you can email us directly to ask any questions. We will also post updates on our Facebook page:
If you prefer to learn privately, we still have 1-1 tuition available. These sessions can easily be booked with our online booking system. Just select a day and available timeslot that is suitable for you on our calendar below. Fill out your details and you will then be taken to PayPal. You can securely pay for your session with any debit or credit card at this stage. We currently have availability all day on Monday this week.
Spring Qigong Routine
Spring Qigong Routine
Continuing from our previous Autumn and Winter Qigong routines, our Spring Routine is due to be released this month. This will follow a similar format, with everything that you need sent out to you, completely FREE, in an email. This will include a warm up, main practice and cool down. Each exercise will have a video of it being performed. It will also contain brief instructions, an explanation of any theory and a list of the main benefits. A workshop will also be held a few weeks after the release of the routine. This will aid you in your practice and help to clarify any questions that might arise after practicing it for a short time. Any notes from the workshop and general feedback will then be compiled and sent out to everyone, which should aid further practice and development.
All this information will be completely FREE of charge to anyone who is interested in learning the art of Qigong. To receive this information, you only need to complete the form below. Once compiled, we’ll send it all out to you at the email address that you provide.
Rent Out Our School
Our Inverness school
If you have thought about running your own martial arts, yoga, meditation or exercise class but you’re put off by the high charges for renting space out, we have a great solution. Our Academy has a fantastic central location in Inverness. It is available throughout the day Sunday to Saturday. We also have Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights available for you to run your classes. If you wish, we can even designate space for your marketing and help get the word out on our social media platforms. It only costs £12 to rent out our school for an hour. If you need more time, speak to us about what you need and we can come up with a fair arrangement. As always, you can email us directly or read more about what we can offer you in this article: Space Available
Updated timetable
Our classes this week see the return of our public Qigong classes on Thursday evenings at 6.15pm. We also have our Forres classes on Friday evenings at 7-8pm for kids & 8-9pm for adults. New students who wish to start are more than welcome at either of these classes. If you wish to begin in Inverness, the best class to start with is Tuesday evenings at 7pm. See the following page for further information: How Do I Join?
Private 1-1 Tuition
Many students prefer to learn in private, with 1-1 tuition from Sifu Hepple. Perhaps you feel anxious about learning in front of other students or just want to learn at a faster pace. These classes are an invaluable tool for any students who wish to perfect their art. Whatever your reasons might be for learning solo, they’re easy to arrange. Simply select a date and available time slot, fill out your info and then pay securely by PayPal with any credit or debit card.
An Interview With Sifu Frank Yee
Sifu Hepple being taught by Grandmaster Frank Yee. 28 May 2005. Aberdeen
If you would like some insight into what Hung Ga training is like, or want to weigh up the options of contemporary vs traditional, perhaps you’ve been training for some time but need a little direction, then this interview with Grandmaster Frank Yee is extremely insightful. It was published almost 20 years ago, in 2001, for Kung Fu Magazine. It discusses the history of the Hung Ga style, Grandmaster Yee’s own background, how he started in Hung Ga, training requirements and some really good, solid advice. You can read the full interview here: An Interview With Sifu Frank Yee
Inverness Pre-Tests
Pre-testing in Inverness
This coming Saturday (7th March) we have scheduled pre-tests for our students. These help our students prepare for the rigorous grading procedure, which we are quite proud of at Yee’s Hung Ga. We ensure that our students are fully capable for the level that they are testing. Simply attending a grading does not guarantee a pass in the Yee’s Hung Ga system. A student must undergo a number of tests to pass each grading. This ensures that the art of Hung Ga is passed on fully for future generations. It also means that our students are under no disillusions about their strengths and capabilities. The pre-testing stage also helps to settle any anxious feelings that our students might have about the main grading.
Hung Ga Techniques For Combat Sports
Hung Ga for combat sports
On the same day at 1pm, Yee’s Inverness will host a seminar, suitable for anyone, students and non-students, to attend. This seminar will be delivered by Sifu Michael Rose, instructor from Yee’s Hung Ga Peterhead and Vice President of Yee’s Hung Ga Europe. The seminar is all about the Hung Ga fighting system and how it can be used for various combat sports including; MMA, Sanda & Kickboxing. Sifu Rose can also advise on correct stance, positioning, stretching, diet & nutrition in preparation for competing. Boxing or MMA gloves are suitable for this workshop. A limited supply is available at the school but we recomend that you take your own.
Fight like a tiger!
If you’ve ever thought about competing or would like to know more about the training involved, this is your chance to gain the knowledge you need to take it to the next level. The seminar lasts for about 3 hours. It is suitable for both men and women, basically anyone interested in learning. For students of Yee’s Hung Ga it is priced at £30 and non-students £35. Tickets can be pre-booked, to avoid disappointment, here:
The notes for our Winter Qigong Routine have now been compiled and will be ready to send out shortly. You can find out how our students got on in our Qigong classes, pre-tests and combat sport workshop next week.
You can find out how to rent our school out for your own classes, workshops or groups. Our new Qigong classes are due to commence at the beginning of next month. We also have an exciting seminar workshop to coincide with our scheduled pre-testing at the beginning of March. This is available to Yee’s students and non-students to attend.
Spring Festival/Chinese New Year Video
One of our students has created a fantastic video from footage of our performance at this years celebration in Inverness for Chinese New Year. We welcomed in the Year of the Rat at the end of January with a large lion & dragon dance display across the city centre. This was the result of three Yee’s schools from across the North East, collaborating together for one big celebration. You can see the video below and subscribe to our channel for more:
Inverness Chinese New Year Celebrations 2020
Hung Ga Fighting System for Combat Sports
Hung Ga Fighting System for Combat Sports
On the 7th of March we have scheduled pre-tests for our students. These help our students prepare for the rigorous grading procedure which we are quite proud of at Yee’s Hung Ga. We ensure that our students are fully capable for the level that they are testing. Simply attending a grading does not guarantee a pass in the Yee’s Hung Ga system. A student must undergo a number of tests to pass each grading. This ensures that the art of Hung Ga is passed on fully for future generations. It also means that our students are under no disillusions about their strengths and capabilities. The pre-testing stage also helps to settle any anxious feelings that our students might have about the main grading.
On the same day at 1pm, Yee’s Inverness will host a seminar, suitable for anyone, students and non-students, to attend. This seminar will be delivered by Sifu Michael Rose, instructor from Yee’s Hung Ga Peterhead and Vice President of Yee’s Hung Ga Europe. The seminar is all about the Hung Ga fighting system and how it can be used for various combat sports including; MMA, Sanda & Kickboxing. Sifu Rose can also advise on correct stance, positioning, stretching, diet & nutrition in preparation for competing. Boxing and MMA gloves are both suitable for this workshop. A limited supply is available at the school but we recomend that you take your own.
Fight like a tiger
If you’ve ever thought about competing or would like to know more about the training involved, this is your chance to gain the knowledge you need to take it to the next level. The seminar lasts for about 3 hours. It is suitable for both men and women, basically anyone interested in learning. For students of Yee’s Hung Ga it is priced at £30 and non-students £35. Tickets can be pre-booked, to avoid disappointment, here:
Our Spring Qigong Routine is due to be released in March. Springtime is traditionally a time of year for cleansing, renewal, creativity and inspiration. We have specifically developed this routine for the Spring months to help balance and encourage growth in these areas. We will also harmonise energy in the physical body to boost health and productivity. Our public Qigong classes will make a welcome return next week. Our syllabus has been developed to add extra sensitivity for our students.
Spring Qigong Routine
Spring Qigong Routine
Continuing from our previous Autumn and Winter Qigong routines, our Spring Routine is due to be released at the beginning of March. This will follow a similar format with everything that you need sent out to you, completely FREE, in an email. This will include a warm up, main practice and cool down. Each exercise will have a video of it being performed. It will also contain brief instructions, an explanation of any theory and a list of the main benefits. A workshop will also be held a few weeks after the release of the routine. This will aid you in your practice and help to clarify any questions that might arise after practicing it for a short time. Any notes from the workshop and general feedback will then be compiled and sent out to everyone, which should aid further practice and development.
All this information will be completely FREE of charge to anyone who is interested in learning the art of Qigong. To receive this information, you only need to complete the form below. Once compiled, we’ll send it all out to you at the email address that you provide.
Qigong Classes
Qigong Classes
Our public Qigong classes are due to return to our Inverness Academy on the 5th of March 2020. We will hold regular public Qigong classes every Thursday evening at 6.15pm. These classes are open to anyone, of any age, who are interested in learning the art of Qigong.
Classes will be priced at £5 per class. There is also the option to buy a loyalty card for £30. This will grant you a 7th class for free. They will follow a similar format to our previous Qigong classes where we will practice a set routine. A Qigong exercise will then be taught to individual students to practice throughout the week. Comfortable, loose clothing should be worn with flat trainers or plimsoles. If you would like to enquire further about these classes, you can email us directly to ask any questions. We will also post updates on our Facebook page:
If you prefer to learn privately, we still have 1-1 tuition available. These sessions can easily be booked with our online booking system. Just select a day and available timeslot that is suitable for you on our calendar below. Fill out your details and you will then be taken to PayPal. You can securely pay for your session with any debit or credit card at this stage. We currently have availability all day on Monday and Tuesday this week.
Rent our school
Rent our school
If you have thought about running your own martial arts, yoga, meditation or exercise class but you’re put off by the high charges for renting space out, we have a great solution. Our Academy has a great central location in Inverness. It is available throughout the day all week. We also have Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights available for you to run your classes in private. We can even designate space for your marketing and help get the word out with our social media. It only costs £12 to rent out our school for an hour. If you need more time, speak to us about what you need and we can come up with a fair arrangement. As always, you can email us directly or read more about what we can offer you in our article:
Our classes continue at our academy in Inverness and at the swimming pool gymnasium in Forres. Anyone wishing to begin their martial arts journey at Yee’s can attend our Tuesday evening beginners class at 7pm in Inverness. Both our classes in Forres are suitable for complete beginners. We have a class at 8pm for adults or 7pm for kids. Anyone is welcome to come along and give it a go.
1-1 Tuition
We have private 1-1 tuition classes available for anyone who would prefer to learn solo. These classes are easy to arrange. Simply select a date and available time slot, fill out your info and then pay securely by PayPal with any credit or debit card.
Coming soon…
On it’s way…
We will shortly be releasing our notes from our Winter Qigong Routine. The notes give further information about each exercise and Qigong practice in general. We will soon be announcing further details about another seminar based on Hung Ga techniques. This should take place towards the beginning of April. To keep up to date with announcements, make sure that you sign up to our email alerts below.
We’ve had another exciting week in Inverness. New Qigong classes have been announced and are due to commence at the beginning of next month. We have also planned an exciting seminar workshop to coincide with our scheduled pre-testing at the beginning of March.
Highland School of Qigong
Highland School of Qigong
Springtime is a time for getting out and about and putting all those plans you made over the Winter months into action. It would seem that March is the month where it is all going to happen. Our Spring Qigong Routine is due to be released then. We also have the long awaited return of our public Qigong classes.
Spring Qigong Routine
Spring Qigong Routine
Continuing from our previous Autumn and Winter Qigong routines, we will also be compiling a Spring Routine. This will follow a similar format with everything that you need sent to you, completely FREE, in an email. This will include a warm up, main practice and cool down. Each exercise, within the routine, will have a video of it being performed. It will also contain brief instructions, an explanation of any theory and a list of the main benefits. A workshop will also be held a few weeks after the release of the routine. This will aid you in your practice and help to clarify any questions that might’ve arisen after practicing it for a short time. Any notes from the workshop and general feedback will then be compiled and sent out to everyone, which should aid further practice and development.
All this information will be completely free of charge to anyone who is interested in learning the art of Qigong. To receive this information, you only need to sign up with the form below. Once compiled, we’ll send it all out to you at the email address that you sign up with.
Qigong Classes
Qigong Classes
Our public Qigong classes are due to return to our Inverness Academy next month. From the 5th of March 2020 we will hold regular public Qigong classes every Thursday evening at 6.15pm. These classes are open to anyone, of any age, who is interested in learning the art of Qigong.
Classes will be priced at £5 per class. There is also the option to buy a loyalty card for £30. This will grant you a 7th class for free. They will follow a similar format to our previous Qigong classes where we will practice a set routine. A Qigong exercise will then be taught to individual students to practice throughout the week. If you would like to enquire further about these classes, you can email us directly to ask any questions. We will also post updates on our Facebook page:
If you prefer to learn privately, we still have 1-1 tuition available. These sessions can easily be booked with our online booking system. Just select a day and available timeslot that is suitable for you on our calendar below. Fill out your details and you will then be taken to PayPal. You can securely pay for your session with any debit or credit card at this stage. We currently have availability all day on Monday and Tuesday this week.
Rent our school
Rent our school
If you have thought about running your own martial arts, yoga, meditation or exercise class but you’re put off by the high charges for renting space out, we have a great solution. Our Academy has a great central location in Inverness. It is available throughout the day all week. We also have Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights available for you to run your classes in private. We can even designate space for your marketing and help get the word out with our social media. It only costs £12 to rent out our school for an hour. If you need more time, speak to us about what you need and we can come up with a fair arrangement. As always, you can email us directly or read more about what we can offer you in our article:
On the 7th of March we have scheduled pre-tests for our students. These help our students prepare for the rigorous grading procedure which we are quite proud of at Yee’s Hung Ga. We ensure that our students are fully capable for the level that they are testing. Simply attending a grading does not guarantee a pass in the Yee’s Hung Ga system. A student must undergo a number of tests to pass each grading. This ensures that the art of Hung Ga is passed on fully for future generations. It also means that our students are under no disillusions about their strengths and capabilities. The pre-testing stage also helps to settle any anxious feelings that our students might have about the main grading.
On the same day at 1pm, Yee’s Inverness will host a seminar, suitable for anyone, students and non-students, to attend. This seminar will be delivered by Sifu Michael Rose, instructor from Yee’s Hung Ga Peterhead and Vice President of Yee’s Hung Ga Europe. The seminar is all about the Hung Ga fighting system and how it can be used for various combat sports including; MMA, Sanda & Kickboxing. Sifu Rose can also advise on correct stance, positioning, stretching, diet & nutrition in preparation for competing. Boxing and MMA gloves are both suitable for this workshop. A limited supply is available at the school but we recomend that you take your own.
If you’ve ever thought about competing or would like to know more about the training involved, this is your chance to gain the knowledge you need to take it to the next level. The seminar lasts for about 3 hours. It is suitable for both men and women, basically anyone interested in learning. For students of Yee’s Hung Ga it is priced at £30 and non-students £35. Tickets can be pre-booked, to avoid disappointment, here:
Our classes continue at our academy in Inverness and at the swimming pool gymnasium in Forres. Anyone wishing to begin their martial arts journey at Yee’s can attend our Tuesday evening beginners class at 7pm in Inverness. Both our classes in Forres are suitable for complete beginners. We have a class at 8pm for adults or 7pm for kids. Anyone is welcome to come along and give it a go.
1-1 Tuition
We have private 1-1 tuition classes available for anyone who would prefer to learn solo. These classes are easy to arrange. Simply select a date and available time slot, fill out your info and then pay securely by PayPal with any credit or debit card.
Coming soon…
On it’s way…
As well as our Spring Qigong Routine, our Qigong classes commencing, our pre-tests and seminar, regular classes in Inverness and Forres, we will shortly be releasing our notes from our Winter Qigong Routine. The notes give further information about each exercise and about Qigong practice in general. We will soon be announcing further details about another seminar based on Hung Ga techniques. This should take place towards the beginning of April. To keep up to date with announcements, make sure that you sign up to our email alerts below.
Our first classes in Forres kicked off this week. We also have a blog article on the “Ecology of the Dancing Chinese Lion,” from one of our Inverness students. We have updates to our classes for the week ahead and an exciting announcement about regular Qigong classes beginning soon.
Forres Classes
Kung fu in Forres
Our first classes in Forres began this week. It is great to see an interest in traditional Chinese martial arts here. We appreciate everyone who has shared our posts and helped us advertise these classes. The hard work is just beginning though. Please keep helping us to spread the word so more people can find out about us.
If you are interested in joining us in Forres, just come along to one of our classes. Both our current Forres classes are on every Friday evening in the swimming pool gymnasium. We have one at 7pm for 6-12yr olds. They are open to both girls, boys and any parents who want to join in. They are only £4 for an hour.
Our adult class is at 8pm and only costs £5. It is open to anyone, men and women aged over 12 years, who are willing to give it a go. You dont need to be mega fit to do these classes. They are designed for anyone to follow along to. You practice at your own rate and get fit as you practice. The more you practice, the better you get!
If you are interested in coming along but a little anxious about attending your first class, don’t worry. You can give us a phone or email and we can set your mind at ease before you attend. For pointers on what to expect, check out our page, “How Do I Join”
You can also check out our Forres website page here:
Emma Archer, the author, begun her Hung Ga journey at our academy in Aberdeen and has been training for a number of years now. She is currently training for her Yee Cup Junior level.
Updated timetable
Highland School of Qigong
Qigong classes commencing 5th March
We are happy to announce that we will be reinstating our public Qigong classes at our Inverness branch. These will begin on the 5th of March at 6.15pm until 7pm. Each class is priced at £5 or £30 for a loyalty card which will give you a 7th class for free. There will also be updates to the curriculum we previously taught in these classes. The Qigong classes will take place instead of the Hung Ga kids class for ages 8-13. The older kids class will now be incorporated into our kids class on Monday evenings.
Hung Ga, Inverness
Hung Ga classes
As mentioned above, our kids class for 8-13 yr olds will now be incorporated into our Monday kids class, to allow room in the schedule for our refreshed Qigong classes. This will take place immediately, however the Qigong classes will commence on the 5th of March.
Our Monday kids class at 6.15-7pm will now be for 6-12yr olds. Anyone interested in attending, within that age bracket, is welcome to join us. Anyone outside that age bracket, who would like to join, is welcome to attend our Tuesday evening class at 7pm.
1-1 Private Tuition
We have full availability for 1-1 training sessions on Monday and Tuesday this week. There is also some availability in the evenings after the public classes. These are ideal if you wish to improve, at a faster rate, on what you have already learned in class. If you wish to learn out with the public classes then these are also your best choice.
They are simple to arrange and pay for. All you need to do is complete the form below with your required dates and times. You will then be taken to the PayPal site where you can securely pay for your chosen class, even if you dont have a PayPal account.
Space Available
Rent our school
Do you wish to start your own yoga class or meditation group? Perhaps you already run a martial art class, excercise club or group and are looking into other locations?
We currently have space available (out with our regular timetabled classes) where you can rent out our school. Check out our article here:
We shall soon be releasing our Winter Qigong Routine notes. This will accompany the routine we developed last year and the workshop which we held in our school in January. The notes give further information about each exercise and about Qigong practice in general. Don’t miss out, sign up to our email alerts below.