Silk Reeling 4 Part Course
Many traditional internal and martial arts emphasize the development of “Silk Reeling.” When practitioners learn to express Silk Reeling in their practice, they can acquire uncanny abilities and physical conditioning. In this course we explain what silk reeling is and how you can begin to develop it.
This is a four week course which covers the main Silk Reeling Exercises. This is a foundation course, it is necessary to complete the Silk Reeling Exercises before you can progress on to our other courses.
Each week you will be sent an instructional video where Sifu Hepple will guide you through the various Silk Reeling Exercises. There is a mirrored image view and a reverse view of each one, to help you practice. You may also send videos of yourself practicing to ensure correct position and alignment. You will also receive an invitation to join in online with our practice on Tuesday evenings from 6.30-7.30pm for the 4 weeks.
At the end of the 4 weeks you will receive a completion certificate you can print out and a document listing the main variations covered in the course.
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